The Billy Currier Legacy Society is an honorary society of supporters and donors who have made estate, life-income, or named legacy gifts for the benefit of the Volunteer Ministry Center. The Billy Currier Legacy Society was established in 2021 and provides a way for VMC to recognize and thank donors during their lifetime for making a legacy gift.

Billy was a long-time resident with VMC for about 15 years. As assistant apartment manager at our former Jackson Apartments and part-time facility custodian, he lived at Minvilla Manor since its opening in 2010. As a model resident, VMC was his family.
A few years before he passed in September of 2020, Billy decided he needed a Will. He said he didn’t have much, but what he did have he wanted to go to VMC. Billy was a kind and generous soul. To that point, he designated his remaining financial assets through his Last Will and Testament to come to VMC.
Over the years, VMC provided a home and stability for Billy. To include VMC in his Will was the best way Billy knew to give back to his “VMC family.” To honor Billy and his special gift, VMC not only named its Legacy Society after Billy, but also recognizes him as a founding member of the Billy Currier Legacy Society.
LEARN ABOUT Planned Giving
There are two avenues for joining the Billy Currier Legacy Society. 1) If you have not completed your final estate plans, we ask you to consider including a gift to VMC through your Will, Trust, IRA, etc. We have a packet of information on Estate Planning that we are happy to send to you if you would like us to do so. The minimum gift amount is $5,000. 2) If you have completed your final estate plans and still desire to become a member of the Billy Currier Legacy Society, you can do so with a minimum legacy gift of $5,000. For additional information, contact the Development Department at 865-524-3926 x229.